Friday, March 4, 2011

The Seventh Day

Really looking forward to cheat day this week.

Cheat day is one day of the week during which you can eat whatever you choose.  It's one of the general rules of The 4-Hour Body.

I have designated Saturday as my cheat day.  Saturdays often don't involve formal work and are centered around fun as it is.  Besides, I started The 4-Hour Body on a Sunday and Saturday ended up being the last day of the week.

Cheat day serves at least two purposes.  As described in the book, a cheat day will "revitalize" your physiologic functions that might have slowed during a change in nutritional state.

However, the more important of the two reasons, I believe, is its function as a "light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel".  I have found it much easier to adhere to this diet than others simply because I know if "I can just hold out until Saturday", I can eat whatever it is I am craving.  During difficult moments, I make a cheat day list of what it is I want to indulge in.  Funny thing is, by the time cheat day rolls around, I've usually lost interest in most list items!

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